Lay Ministry
Lay Ministry Formation
SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary prepares men and women for ministries in the Church by providing resources for their theological, spiritual and ministerial formation.
Theological Formation
Lay men and women who fulfill requirements for admission may enroll in any of the following degree programs: Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry with a concentration in Catechetics or Master of Arts with a concentration in Systematic, Moral, or Liturgical Theology. During their course of study, the Director of Lay Ministry Programs serves as academic advisor, offers guidance, and directs the formation of all lay students enrolled in the seminary.
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual formation is the most important facet of personal growth and development in the life of a lay ecclesial minister. SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary takes very seriously its obligation to help shape and structure this component. Unless students are committed to an integrated life of prayer, study, and theological reflection, they cannot form a strong ministerial identity. A personal plan for spiritual formation is a requirement for all students enrolled in the professional ministerial degree program (MAPM).
A variety of opportunities for prayer, liturgical worship, spiritual renewal, and spiritual direction are available to lay ministry students. The Eucharist is celebrated daily on the campus of the Orchard Lake Schools, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available several times per week. Lay ministry students are also welcome to join the seminarians in weekly Eucharistic adoration.
At the beginning of the academic year, a list of faculty and spiritual directors recommended by the Archdiocese of Detroit is made available to lay students. Students are encouraged to seek out their own personal spiritual director, someone who will guide and walk with them in their journey of faith.
During the academic year, the Lay Ministry Committee offers students the opportunity to participate in an evening of prayer or a day of recollection to which they may bring their families and guests. There are also occasions when lay students can join with seminarians to share in solemn vespers and an evening meal. In addition, information about other opportunities for spiritual development offered in the Detroit area are posted on campus. Students are strongly encouraged to choose from these various means of spiritual enrichment as they work toward fulfilling commitments to their personal program of spiritual formation.
Ministerial Formation
For the seminary to facilitate students as they structure their personal plan of ministerial formation, an assessment tool known as Profiles of Ministry is required of each person enrolled in the MAPM degree program. This instrument is a mechanism that aids in the evaluation of ministerial aptitudes and preferences. Profiles of Ministry is offered by the Association of Theological Schools, our accrediting agency, to assist the seminary with its formation goals and is administered through the office of the Director of Lay Ministry Programs to all MAPM students within the first year of study.
In addition, all lay ministry students engage in practical ministerial experiences through the Field Education Program, which includes placement, supervision, and theological reflection. The Director of Lay Ministry Programs encourages those not already employed in some ministerial capacity to seek out opportunities to offer volunteer service in a variety of ministerial settings.
The Integrating Seminar is also intended as a way of evaluating the student's integration of theological and pastoral studies with the practical concerns of ministry in today's Church. This course is a requirement of all degree candidates during their final year of study.