Priestly Formation
Goals and Objectives
The Master of Divinity degree program is designed to guide the student in developing the following attitudes and competencies:
- To integrate the intellectual, spiritual, pastoral, and human dimensions of priestly ministry.
- To engage in the practice of self-assessment to ascertain growth in the areas needed for effective ministry
- To develop emotional and psycho-sexual maturity, moral integrity, and social concern for the people of God.
- To grow in the practice of the art of spirituality for the Roman Catholic ordained ministry
- To engage in reflection upon how God is working in one’s life.
- To develop a habit of prayer and participation in the sacramental life of the Church.
- To understand and communicate the Roman Catholic faith tradition in the context of the contemporary world and society.
- To write an exegesis on a passage of scripture.
- To articulate and address the moral problems of society today
- To write a coherent thesis which demonstrates an understanding of the tradition and magisterial teaching.
- To develop responsible, collaborative, culturally sensitive pastoral leadership in a variety of ministerial situations.
- To communicate the faith through preaching, worship, and ministry.
- To minister effectively within multicultural faith communities.
- To collaborate with others in developing their gifts and ministries.
- To demonstrate the ability to be a leader of public prayer and worship.